Unit 4:Lesson A

Working lives

What do you think is necessary to get a job?

 Vocabulary: match these definitions
1. submit
a.   to complete the work on or before this date.
2. achieve
b.   present (a proposal, application, or other document) to a person or body for consideration or judgment.
3. meet a deadline
c.    hard competition
4. stiff competition
d.   the way that you progress in your work, either in one job or in a series of jobs.
5. résumé
e.   reach, attain or get (a desired objective, level, or result) by effort, skill, or courage.
6. career counselor
f.     A brief account of one's professional or work experience and qualifications, often submitted with an employment application.
7. career paths
g.   someone whose job is to give people advice and information about what type of work they could do or how they could progress to a better job.
Unit 4/lesson A/part B
Ø achieve a goal
Ø make progress with a project
Ø acquire knowledge or skills
Ø meet a deadline
Ø face competition in school or at work
Ø save or make money
Ø follow someone’s advice
Ø show interest in a job
Ø have some (job) training
Ø submit a job application
 Study this:
Verb-noun collocations
are useful for discussing job applications and work experience
Ø Submit a job application
Ø Achieve a goal
Ø Meet a deadline
Learning tip: when you learn a new word, you should write down its collocations (i.e., the verbs and adjectives that go with a noun.


Types of nouns related to working lives
Ø a/ (an) /one résumé   
Ø two (job) offers
Ø three /a few / some interviews
Ø many jobs
Ø a few employers
Ø employees
Ø career
Ø skills
Ø a graduate/some graduates
Ø companies

Ø work (not a work or works)
Ø information
Ø equipment
Ø advice
Ø research knowledge
Ø software
Ø homework
Ø training
Ø help
Ø evidence
Ø permission
Ø news (singular –uncountable)
Ø training
Ø feedback
Ø knowledge
Plural countable nouns take a plural verb.
Candidates face stiff (hard) competition.
Uncountable nouns take a singular verb.
Learning tip: News look plural but it is singular because it is an uncountable noun.

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